Colorado Springs Orthopedic News

preparing to run a marathon

Preparing to Run a Marathon

Preparing to run a marathon takes a lot of guts, preparation, and hard work. If you are running in your first marathon, give yourself a major pat on the back. Running is an enjoyable sport for many people, and a race or marathon is like taking it to the next level. Marathons take patience and endurance, but with the right training plan and a positive attitude, you will achieve your goal – whatever your reasons are for doing one.

The actual training for competing in a marathon is no easy task, either. Months of training and conditioning are often required for an optimal outcome. Some people devote their entire day to training, while others fit it in around everyday activities and work responsibilities. Before you think of running a marathon, just know that it is for motivated and dedicated people only, as these types of races are all about not giving up.

Completing 26.2 miles is an inspiring accomplishment and goal that many people want to achieve, may think that they cannot. In other words, if you want to be one of the 0.5 percent of people in the United States who run a marathon, it requires commitment and dedication. After completing a marathon, there are many rewards, both psychologically and physically. Diving into a marathon before you have taken the necessary steps is not sensible, as it is unhealthy and increases your chance of becoming badly injured. The most important thing is to have fun while accomplishing your goals the right way.

Choosing your marathon depends on multiple factors, such as time, location, size, and the course or type of terrain. Many marathons in the United States are held in October or November when conditions are most likely to be cooler. However, events that land in the fall often require training throughout the summer, when it is hot. Weather can be unpredictable; it is good to check the weather you’re likely to face on race day and in training when making your initial selection.

To find out more information on how to prepare for a marathon, call Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence at (719) 623-1050.


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