Colorado Springs Orthopedic News

Category: Hip

Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip

Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip

Inflammatory arthritis of the hip can cause a wide range of disabling symptoms. Patients with long-standing inflammatory arthritis or those who do not respond to medical treatment may end up with joint destruction, which can

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hip strain; hip sprain

Hip Strain

Hip sprains can cause intense pain that can impact your daily activities and overall quality of life. It can limit your movements, preventing you from doing simple day-to-day activities like walking, sitting, or running. For

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Pelvic Fracture

Pelvic Fracture

Even though your pelvis is a strong and stable bone structure, it can break. The pelvis protects many important nerves, blood vessels, and organs that can also be damaged and cause serious complications, including chronic

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hip dislocation

Hip Dislocation

Hip dislocation is an injury in which the ball joint of your hip comes out of its socket. A dislocated hip is considered a medical emergency. Both short-term relief and long-term recovery depend on urgent

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Acetabular Fracture

Acetabular Fracture

An acetabular fracture is a break in the hip socket. These are relatively rare injuries and are extremely challenging orthopedic injuries to repair. This is because, at times, an acetabular fracture leaves multiple small fragments

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Hip Resurfacing

Hip Resurfacing

When hip pain gets to the point where it impairs movement and functionality, it should never be ignored. Many people wait to consult a doctor because they are concerned it will mean they require a

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hip impingement

Hip Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement — also known as FAI or simply as hip impingement — is a common condition affecting competitive athletes and active older adults alike. With appropriate proactive treatment, many individuals with FAI can return

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hip bursitis

Hip Bursitis

People experience many different types of hip pain. They feel pain and discomfort and tend to want to diagnose it for themselves; they moved wrong, overexercised, or perhaps it’s just part of the aging process.

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snapping hip

Snapping Hip

Snapping hip, also known as coxa saltans or dancer’s hip, is a condition in which you hear a snapping sound or feel a snapping sensation in your hip when you walk, run, get up from

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