Orthopedics and Teen Sports Injuries

Every year, there are millions of teen sports injuries who participate in some form of high school sports. And every year, many of them sustain sports-related injuries.

Whether it’s baseball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey, or other activity that involves running, jumping, sliding, tackling, or other form of contact, injuries will happen.

The most common of these high school teen sport injuries are sprains and strains to ankles, knees, wrists and thumbs. But there are many other orthopedic injuries that frequently require treatment, including:

  • Tendonitis and bursitis
  • Knee ligament tears such as tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
  • Meniscal tears in the knee
  • Achilles tendonitis and tears
  • Shoulder dislocation and instability
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Shin splints … and much more

Although youngsters tend to be physically resilient, a sports injury can have a significant impact on their bodies. Not only is it frustrating for the teen be sidelined due to an injury, but also the pressure to return to play despite a minor injury can lead to a subsequent injury with long-term effects. An injury sustained in high school could also cause orthopedic problems – including arthritis – later in life.

That’s why, when a sports injury occurs, it’s important to seek proper treatment immediately regardless of the severity of the injury. The sooner the injury is properly diagnosed and effectively treated, the sooner the teen athlete can heal, get off the bench, and back into the game.

At the Colorado Center for Orthopaedic Excellence, our goal is to return teen athletes to play as quickly as possible while, at the same time, preventing re-injury and improving the young athlete’s response to stress. To accomplish this, we use cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment methods to help eliminate pain and improve and young athlete’s range of motion. Our goal is to get athletes back to throwing the ball or running toward the finish line feeling just as good or better than before the injury.

While surgery is sometimes necessary for more severe injuries, the sports medicine doctors at Colorado Center for Orthopaedic Excellence use the least-invasive techniques whenever possible. Also, our fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons take care to operate with precision on injured joints, ligaments, and tendons to ensure that delicate nerves, tissues, and other surrounding anatomy is preserved, thus reducing discomfort and hastening recovery.

In many cases, physical therapy is recommended to avoid surgery. Our doctors work closely with our rehabilitation team to help teen athletes build strength and renewed mobility in injured muscles, bones and joints, achieve full recovery, and avoid future injuries.

Whether it’s a teen involved in high school sports or an amateur or professional adult athlete, the orthopedics doctors at the Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence provide expert care. They have decades of experience treating all sorts of injuries for all levels of athletics with successful outcomes. Make an appointment today with one of our sports injury specialists by calling (719) 623-1050 or request an appointment now.


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